Adrienne C. Davis, Ph.D. ABPP

How to keep your child out of the juvenile justice system

A juvenile peers through bars

How to Keep Your Child Out Of the Juvenile Justice System

I have spent most of my 31 years of practice evaluating both youth and adults who have been involved in the criminal justice system. I have observed that there are some very simple ways in which parents can keep their children from getting into trouble with the law:

  1. Make sure he or she is not having trouble in school; there is a high rate of delinquency among youngsters who have learning disabilities
  2. Make sure you know who your child's friends are; meet your child's friends
  3. Don't be afraid to regularly check your child's cell phone, computers, tablets, bedroom, backpacks, etc., to monitor the activities, how they are spending their time and who they are in contact with
  4. Eat dinner together each night as a family; families that gather together for that evening meal and share the events of their day are less likely to have children who are truant and delinquent
  5. Always know where your child is and whom he or she is with. Research shows that one of the best predictors of juvenile delinquency is asking a parent, ‘do you know where your child is right now?’
  6. Practice what you preach. Parents, teachers, coaches, youth pastors and other adults who interact with children must be consistent with their values, behavior, attitudes and model the kind of behavior they expect from their child. “Do what I say, not what I do” doesn’t work!